-----Original Message-----
From: czulc@chiche.com [mailto:czulc@chiche.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 10:41 PM
To: info@photomontage.com
Subject: DWG Needed fhl gkdwst
I'm a time traveler stuck here in 2003. Since nobody here seems
to be able to get me what I need (safely here to me), I will have
to build a simple time travel circut to get where I need myself.
I am going to need an easy to follow picture diagram for a simple
time travel circut, which can be built out of (readily available)
parts here in 2003. Please email me any schematics
you have. I will pay good money for anything you send me I can use.
Or if you have the rechargeable AMD dimensional
warp generator wrist watch unit available, and
are 100% certain you have a (secure) means of delivering
it to me please also reply. Send a separate email to me at: info@federalfundingprogram.com.
Do not reply back directly to this email as it will only be bounced
back to you.
Thank You
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